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HTTP Proxy

What is an HTTP proxy?

An HTTP proxy is an intermediary server that handles HTTP requests between a user's device and the Internet. It acts as a gateway, providing various functions such as caching, security, and anonymity for HTTP traffic.

How does an HTTP proxy work?

HTTP proxy servers analyze web traffic, effectively identifying and halting malicious activity or content. 

A standout example of an HTTP proxy is its capability to scrutinize incoming web traffic, fortifying corporate networks against harmful content, and mitigating risks such as buffer overflow attacks. 

Furthermore, businesses can tailor HTTP proxy servers to enforce rules aligning with their unique needs, ensuring comprehensive protection.

What are HTTP proxy benefits?

  • Data optimization. Filter and cache web data, extracting relevant information while discarding unnecessary content.
  • Enhanced security. Add an extra layer of security, detecting and blocking suspicious data packets such as spyware, strengthening server protection.
  • Scraping enhancement. Improve access to restricted targets and minimize your risk of blocking, thereby enhancing web scraping success rates.

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